• Boats Expensive?

    Its been said that boats are holes in the water that you pour money into.  Well that can be true if you buy the wrong boat.  Mr. Tonye Cole can tell you some stories about boat ownership gone wrong. To learn more about boats I would take a look at boats.net.  The more you know before buying a boat, the better.  Do not buy more boat than you need.  This is a common mistake of new boaters.  If you are looking to fish do you really need 100 hp?  I would do some soul searching before laying out the cash.  Once you have done you research maintenance costs can add up.  Beyond fuel there is the motor maintenance that if ignored will get costly.

  • Jared Londry Retirement Homes


    So you’ve spent the last twenty years in a career that has been fulfilling and gratifying in every way that you’d desired. Now you’re on to the next step in life. Retirement.

    Jared Londry suggests that when you’re searching for a retirement home, you consider the surrounding areas and what it may offer in terms of leisurely activities.

    Consider a current resident off of a beautiful lake in a two story house with a lovely dock. He wakes up every morning, grabs his coffee and takes a stroll to his deck. On this particular morning he will spend the hours between 8am and 1pm fishing in a small boat the constructed himself.

    This is the ideal day foe this gentleman. Maybe fishing is your hobby, maybe sailing is. Whatever the case may be, consider where YOU want to be when it comes time to make retirement plans.