Death is always a terrible tragedy. It always brings grief no matter who it affects. Eventually, everyone is affected in some way by death whether it’s family, friends, or loved ones. Someone dying in your presence or because of you is even worse. The feelings of pain are accompanied by feelings of guilt. This is a feeling you never want, even your worst enemies to feel. When it comes to driving your boat, many accidents can happen. Therefore, minimizing the risk while traveling should be of utmost importance. When you are boating, many accidents can happen which could lead you in serious trouble. In fact, you could even have someone die on your boat which would be a terrible tragedy for all involved. When it comes to the question of whether you are responsible in case someone dies, there is an answer, but it’s complicated.
The Short Answer
The question of if you are responsible if someone dies in your boat is difficult to answer because there are so many variables. You might have some responsibility if you were a part of the problem. However, if it is something that you could not have avoided, then you will leave the situation without any blame. You should always consult with an experienced attorney like Douglas Healy.
The Long Answer
While the short answer might be sufficient for some, your situation is probably different enough to warrant a longer more detailed explanation. Here we will discuss the factors that go into liability so you can understand where you stand with the law. There can be some overlap, however, most places will have varying laws when it comes to accidents and boating.
How Did That Person Die?
Every situation is different. There are a plethora of reasons that someone could die on your boat. This is the main thing that determines whether you are responsible or not. The nature of the death could be anything from a heart attack to you making a bad turn and having someone fall overboard. Every single way someone can die is covered within the laws. For example, the heart attack as mentioned above could be your fault if you took some action that caused the person to have a heart attack. It could also be that they had a heart attack because they lived an unhealthy lifestyle and it was going to happen no matter where they were. All of these things need an in-depth investigation which would be carried out by the relevant authorities. However, every death could end up being on you or others. Let’s see.
Who Might Be Held Responsible
In every event on the boat, it is possible for a number of people to be held responsible for something happening. The manufacturer of the boat could be held liable depending on what happened. It could also be that another passenger was on the boat and they are held liable as well. Then, you could be held liable or a company that owns the boat and is renting it out. All of these things depend on the situation in your specific case. The most important thing to consider is if your action directly causes someone to die, then you will be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law. This of course, only happens after a thorough investigation to make sure that people have an accurate understanding of the situation. A good attorney like Douglas Healy would be able to tell you all of these things so you have the relevant knowledge needed.
Your Part in this Situation
The most important detail is your role in anything happens on your boat. If someone accidentally falls in, it could be your problem if investigators determined that there was some action you could’ve taken to prevent this. For example, not providing enough lifejackets for everyone to be able to survive in the water. It could also be that there was a malfunction in the equipment because you failed to service it correctly. There are so many variables that an investigation is the only thing that will let you know conclusively what your role and punishment will be. Taking precautions such as following all relevant statues will take you a long way in keeping yourself safe from being responsible for anything happening in the water. They should all be part of your insurance plan. Getting sued or been responsible for something of this magnitude can be devastating and life-changing. Doing everything you can to prevent it should be your number one priority