I had an inflatable kayak and when the air ran out it was sink or swim time. I would not recommend the inflatable as it can leave you in trouble if you get a puncture. Nothing worse than swimming in a duck pond because your boat sunk. The sinking inflatable was very comfortable.
I can see why people buy them. It is very easy to haul and costs a lot less. If you want to just try the whole kayak thing out buy a cheap inflatable and be careful. If you later have to replace the kayak then you haven’t spent too much money. Luke Weil is a inflatable kayak fan and will always have one ready in his trunk.
Sink or Swim
I’m Up the Creek…Where’s My Paddle
Being prepared is the rule for safe boating. If you plan to just learn as you go you will be in trouble when the ranger pulls your boat over for inspection.
Do you have life preservers for everyone in the boat? If not get ready for a ticket. Do you plan to ski? Know anything about a no wake zone? Plan to get drunk while boating. Don’t plan to be the driver or brace for another talk from the ranger. Boating can be fun but you need to do your home work before heading to the lake. Joe Olujic is an expert boatman.
Making Use of the Jeff Halevy Money Back Offer
With the new Jeff Halevy money back guarantee being offered at his local repair shop, there’s little reason not to try and exploit this wonderful bargain. I’ve known Jeff Halevy for years and he’s a natural for fixing up schooners and yachts like they were legos. Offering a refund seems like a big step for such a small shop, but if he’s confident he can get boats in working order, then more power to him! I recently got a ding on my dinghy so the Jeff Halevy money back so I might hit him up myself.